Ebola what you MAY want to do


I am a nobody, not a Doctor, not anyone in authority, but we watch people all the time in authority screw it up.

Here is my opinion.  It is not advice, it is not the written word only my opinion.

Less than a week ago our countries officials stated that we didn’t have to stop air travel, that Ebola wouldn’t come to the USA.

Well it is here and there are a possible 3 cases 1 is confirmed and in fact the person was released as having had a flu then came back days later to the hospital again….I could go on about this but, that’s not what I am writing about today.

I read to “wash your hands” to help stop the spread of Ebola.  Now washing your hands is always a great idea and they are in fact working on a vaccination to help stop this however I would be hard pressed to be taking that unless I was forced.

Things you can do at home to help yourself in my opinion and what we will be doing in our home is building a stronger immune system.

We all know that the severity of how we get sick has not just the issues of whatever made us sick but our outside environmental factors such as stress levels, health levels, how we care for our bodies and so on.

We all are aware that the weaker person gets the flu the worse while a stronger and healthier person may notn get it all all even when exposed time after time.

Boost your system now is my advice.  Tumeric, ginger, honey, Vitamin D, K and C B-12.  Add additional green veggies and basil which all have amazing healing properties.

Most know that I have little use for “traditional” doctors and choose a much more homeopathic way of life, and there is a reason for that, as I tried the traditional way years ago and it made me sick, weak and frustrated.

Look into the healing properties of food, boost your vitamins, yes wash your hands, cough into your arm, avoid those that are sick that is my best advice.

If Ebola is going to come here then we as a general public also have a duty to take some extra precautions for better immune systems and health.  Of course we all pray this is isolated, perhaps a fluke but if it is not then invest in great vitamins and healing foods.


Promoting pet health via proper training, guidance and well being for your dog


As you know I talk in my blogs, cooking shows and personal one on one coaching on the health and well being for people.  However I am just as passionate about my pet Sadie.

Sadie however had some issue and I tried everything that I could but nothing worked.

I was hesitant to spend any more money on one more idea that wouldn’t work for her behaviors until I found this, and then with effort it all came together.

From time to time you will see me on my other site promote making dog food or dog bones and being organic even for my pup but since I am all about well rounded organic living styles for a healthier person, then why not for my pet.

I can’t tell you that it will work for you and your pet it’s just not a promise that I can make but I can tell you that it was a life saver for me and Sadie.

Let me know if you follow this and use his steps and if they worked for you as I am always curious if what I suggests is as helpful to others as it was for myself.

Just click where it says click here and the link should take you to the program I feel is the very best out there.

Again let me know if it worked as well for you as it did for Sadie.

Click Here!

Gooey-and almost good for you cinnamon rolls


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So good it taste like cheating! – Potato’s Verde – a healthier option


How To Stop Dieting 101 basics: Best & Easy Choices


You find you are on a yo yo.  The never ending cycle of feeling high and happy because you lost all that weight or even that 5 pounds that put you back into your favorite jeans however, doomsday hits a few weeks later.

Round and round we go and often it’s females having this issue more than men ( not to say men do not).  So why then do we end up with the weight back on?  Why sometimes is it even more weight on than what we originally took off.

It is in my opinion and the opinions of so many that us girls, we care too much and it does in fact hurt our health, life and weight and how we put on, take off or maintain our weight.

I think so many of us are natural care takers.  We spend our days in some form, many forms helping or caring for others.

We tend to put ourselves last, or mean to get to the things we needed to do for ourselves, but then find that the day gets away from us and we find ourselves on the back burner once again.

So how do we stop this?  Do we become self centered and stop caring?

The answer is simpler than you might think and here are a few tips I will list and later will be doing a video on this.

1. Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses. Sounds foolish but it helps. Cortisol is something we all have but, when under stress it keeps on weight. A simple solution is to do 3-5 min of yoga or deep breathing sitting in your office chair a couple times a day and actually, it doesn’t matter where just take a few minutes to bring that stress down.

2. Don’t want to be vegan and don’t have time to cook different meals for you & your family, then don’t just scoop yours to another pan prior to adding fatty ingredients like butter or oil and add .5 less to yours than the others thus leaving you flavor, keeping you from feeling deprived but cutting back the calories.

3. Keep snacking, yes I said that! A snack helps you not make the body think it’s going into starvation mode (which also helps you eat less) but make sure that you snack on great things like: homemade Kale chips ( see youtube.com/thelazyassvegan for this) or shake a little salt and pepper on butter free hot air popcorn and while you are doing that brings me to number…

4. Water, water, water.  I know you don’t like water  and for the most part neither do I but drink it anyway not only does it keep you hydrated but it flushes your system. if you can walk around all day with a cup of coffee, juice or soda you can replace that 4 x’s a day with a bottled water you see, it’s really that simple.

For more information visit my web page  @ thelazyassvegan.com   or my youtube channel @  www.youtube.com/thelazyassvegan

Eat up, and eat up healthy!


The following product is a good alternative if you don’t have time to make yourself.

Making guilt free chips! The easy way!


The best from scratch pizza


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I get asked a lot about pizza and vegans and vegetarians who don’t eat processed foods think they have to give it up.

I created the most amazing, versatile pizza that can be made for any eating life style.

I actually did a video on how to do it.

Please do not limit yourself due to calling yourself vegan or vegetarian there are so many things to cook that can be adapted to fit the eating life style that you choose.

I have written about this before because it is an important subject to talk about.  I personally feel that if you limit your cooking viewing experiences to only vegan or vegetarian that you miss an opportunity to adapt a great meal to vegan or vegetarian further, for those who are like me and you have another member in the home who is not vegan I showcase how to easily cook for all eating life style choices.

Visit youtube.com/thelazyassvegan. This is my best video yet and BTW it tasted so amazing! Subscribe today to my channel and lets help spread the word on an easier, better organic eating life style!

Happy pizza eating and let me know if you made this and how it came out and if you liked it.


What on earth is clean eating


We learn something new everyday.  I have been doing this for years, that is helping people lead an organic life style that is  free of processed / packaged foods as possible but, now there is a new term and It is called claen eating…I know say what!

For generations organic eating meant if you grow it, make it from scratch you were an organic living being now we have to learn the latest catch phrase which is clean eating.

I don’t know why we mess around with what has worked for generations, but we do I think we humans can’t really help ourselves.

So now organic can mean anything that is packaged or in a box if it states organic ( doesn’t have to meet proper standards you and I would like) and clean eating is the old organic.

Here is my advice as I have said so many times:  I don’t care for eating labels of who we are and I don’t care if you eat veggies or meat but I do care you your health and helping people feel better and have more energy. Go ahead and call the eating life style you choose to live by what ever you want because Vegan eating is no longer considered vegan and vegetarian is now considered a diet and flexitarians eat veggies and meat, and an organic eater is no longer an organic but clean eater!

Drop the labels and go out there and eat, be healthy and happy, just ditch the processed garbage!

Also, Check out this awesome ebook: “Raw Food Gourmet Recipes For Busy People”
Recipe Ebook + Pictures + Videos!!! A Complete Guide To Making Delicious Raw Food Recipes Like A Professional Chef In A Quick And Easy Way! Over 4hours Of Videos! CLICK HERE!
